2. Food
  3. Freeze

Can You Freeze Radishes? Yes, and Here’s How

Radishes are crisp, refreshing vegetables that add a zesty crunch to any dish. However, if you don’t consume them soon, they will rot. Find out if you can freeze radishes to store them in the long term.

can you freeze radishes

After a flash sale at the supermarket or the farmer’s market, it’s possible to end up with extra radishes. To take advantage of your radish surplus and their health benefits, you might want to preserve them for future use.

If you’re wondering whether or not you can freeze radishes, the answer is yes,up to 6 months, as long as you blanch them first. Without preliminary blanching, your radishes will not freeze well.

Keep reading to discover the best ways to blanch and freeze radishes correctly so that you can enjoy them longer.

Can You Freeze Raw Radishes?

can you freeze raw radishes

No, you cannot freeze raw radishes. They must be blanched before freezing. The taste and texture of your radishes will be ruined if you skip the essential step.

On the other hand, if you wish to store your raw radishes in the refrigerator, they will last up to 7 days.

Can You Freeze Radishes without Blanching?

No, you should not freeze radishes without blanching. This is because blanching stops the enzyme activity inside the radishes, which prevents browning and helps maintain the radish texture.

Blanching means partially cooking vegetables in three steps: boiling the water, adding the vegetables to the boiling water, and submerging them in icy water to halt the cooking process.

Cooks use the blanching technique because it slows down radish ripening so that you can preserve the veggie for up to 6 months in the freezer. This process also helps your radishes maintain their bright color, taste, texture, and nutrients.

How to Freeze Raw Radishes

How do you freeze radishes

Freezing radishes is more complex than most other vegetables since you can’t just pop them in the freezer and expect them to maintain their original taste and texture.

Follow the steps below on how to freeze radishes successfully:

  1. Fill up a pot with water, place it on the stove, set the boiling temperature, and set it to simmer.
  2. Prepare a large bowl with ice-cold water.
  3. Scrub the radishes in cold water to wash away dirt or any other residue.
  4. Cut off the inedible parts (stems and root ends). Don’t peel the radish since the skin protects the vegetable when freezing it.
  5. Cut the radish to your desired size.
  6. Transfer the vegetable to the pot and boil it for 3 minutes.
  7. Move the radishes to the bowl of ice-cold water to stop the cooking process.
  8. Drain the radishes and allow them to air-dry or pat them with a paper towel to speed up drying.
  9. Split the radishes into smaller portions and place them in sealable freezer bags.
  10. Remove as much air as you can from the freezer bags, label them, and move them to the freezer.

How to Freeze Cooked Radishes

how to freeze cooked radishes

Freezing cooked radishes doesn’t require any special tools or techniques. It’s easier than freezing raw radishes since they have already gone through all steps that involve cutting or slicing.

So, yes, you can freeze cooked radishes.

Here’s how:

  1. Let the cooked radishes cool down. You can cool them down to room temperature in about 30 minutes.
  2. Transfer your cooked radishes into an airtight container or freezer bag.
  3. Remove as much air as possible from the container or bag.
  4. Label the container by writing the current date.
  5. Storethe radishes in the freezer.

How to Freeze Roasted Radishes

how to freeze roasted radishes

Yes, you can freeze roasted radishes.

Simply follow the two simple steps below to ensure your roasted radishes are frozen properly:

  1. Cool down the radishes before placing them in the freezer. Otherwise, placing hot food in the freezer may reduce your freezer’s temperature, potentially semi-defrosting other foods. Just leave them on the counter* or place them in the fridge.
  2. Pre-freeze the radishes by placing them on a pan lined with baking paper. Spread them out evenly so that none of them are touching in a single layer.
  3. Next, put the covered or uncovered pan into the freezer and wait until they are firm to the touch (20-30 minutes). If you’re going to leave the radishes in the freezer for more than 1 hour, cover them first or they will suffer from freezer burn.
  4. Transfer the frozen radishes to an airtight container, then label and place it in the freezer.

*Don’t allow your radishes to sit at room temperature for more than 2 hours, or you run the risk of food poisoning. If your radishes are still warm after 2 hours, simply place them in the fridge until they have completely cooled.

You can also roast radishes as a process before freezing them. Half-roasting your radishes will stop some of the enzyme activity, even after putting them in the freezer. The alteration of texture and quality will be stalled this way.

How to Freeze Raw Daikon

how to freeze raw daikon

Yes, you can freeze raw Daikon for up to 3 weeks as long as you blanch them first.

If you plan to preserve your Daikon by freezing, it’s essential to know the proper method:

  1. Wash your Daikon properly.
  2. Cut off the green leaves and roots.
  3. Cut the radish into 4-cm-thick rounds.
  4. Boil the Daikon for 3 minutes.
  5. Transfer the pieces to a freezer bag and remove as much air as possible.
  6. Move the airtight container to the freezer.

Can You Freeze Korean Radish?

can you freeze korean radish

No, you cannot freeze Korean radish because the radish will become soft and spongy after defrosting, losing all of its taste and texture.

Blanching your Korean radish will not fix this problem since the texture loss is caused by the high water content, not enzyme-changing activity. Needless to say, it won’t taste good either.

Can You Freeze Pickled Radishes?

can you freeze pickled radishes

Yes, you can freeze pickled radishes.

But it isn’t necessary since pickled, unfrozen radishes already last up to 6 months in the refrigerator, and freezing them won’t extend that period.

Still, if you decide to freeze them, you will have to go through an extra step of cutting the pickled radishes into a desirable size (¼ or ½ inch slices).

Additionally, there will be textural defects if you freeze the pickled radishes whole: the ice crystal will melt during thawing, causing the outer harder skin to split open. So it’s necessary to cut them into smaller pieces before freezing.

Do Radishes Freeze Well?

Yes, radishes freeze well as long as you first blanch, part-roast, cook, or thoroughly roast them.

Raw radishes don’t freeze well since they become soggy and water-logged during thawing.

It’s because of the high water content: as the radishes freeze, the water within the vegetable cells freezes and expands. In turn, this causes a rupture of the cell walls, changing the vegetable’s structure.

Can I Freeze Radishes for Later Use?

can you freeze radishes for later use

Yes, you can freeze radishes for up to 6 months, as long as you first blanch, partly roast, cook or thoroughly roast them.

To freeze your radishes properly and ensure their quality remains, blanching is our preferred option.

How Do You Know When Radishes Go Bad?

It’s best to inspect the radish for signs, such as mushy or soft texture, funny smell, and mold, rot or other visual signs of decay.


With so much nutrition and versatility, it’s no wonder you want to freeze your radishes.

Some varieties like Korean radishes don’t refrigerate well, even if you blanch or partly cook them before freezing. It’s best to consume these types of radishes right away. For example, you can quickly whip up a tofu banh mi sandwich.

Having read this comprehensive article, you should now feel confident in how to freeze radishes and hopefully inspired to begin the process.

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